Thursday, 22 November 2018

Fun with song lyrics and Google Tranlsate

You'll possibly have seen the YouTube channel of the very talented singer and YouTuber Malinda Kathleen Reese.

This is an example of her work, where she passes song lyrics through multiple different languages on Google Translate and creates work of utter genius like this:-

This is the Google Translate version of Abbas' The Day Before You Came:-

We must go after 8:00
My channel has been updated.
I read this book.
Indeed, the Bible can be Baptists.
I'll pay for nine years.
Documents are shown in different documents
In most cases it does not work
I'm sure you get it.
Leave the sun away

I want to give you seven cigarettes.
I do not think they live in the world.
Let's do this day.
I do not know, but hid something.
I am free on Friday
I went to high school and so on.
He returned to work
I read yesterday.
Yes, I think my life is good.
Leave the sun away

I would like to open the door for eight hours.
Sometimes they go to China.
We definitely look at the TV.
I do not want to see the history of teeth
Ice 4 nights
I slept, so I spent time
Not the last sea in France
Okay, there's no reason.
Leave the sun away

Choose light
It's gone now
I asked at home.
Leave the sun away

This is what it should sound like